Category: ""

(Czech) VideozprA?va NovA? ZA�land oA?ima kajakA?A�A? 7. a�� Westcoast, Hokitika a Fox river

12. 04. 2009; Author: Category: Mountains, Movies, New Zealand, Ostatní, Water

(Czech) Po kratA?A� pauze pokraA?ujeme opA�t se zveA�ejA?ovA?nA�m naA?ich videoreportA?A?A� z cest po NovA�m ZA�landA�. TentokrA?t trochu netradiA?nA� doplnA�no o A?ryvek z denA�A?ku MarkA�ty, kterA? tam se ZdeA?kou byla A?trnA?ct dnA� po nA?s. A my mA?A?em bA?t jenom rA?di, A?e jsme tam nebyli s nimaa��

Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes 5

03. 04. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: Mountains, New Zealand, Ostatní, Water

Rest of the North Island – We had about two weeks to see the rest of North Island a�� not to much. So we hit the road as we got out from the ferry and headed northwest, to the Egmont National Park, where we wanted to climb up to the top.