Category: ""

(Czech) The sisters of Mercy a Kreator mA�A�A� na SONISPHERE 2011, festival oznamuje velmi speciA?lnA� ceny

18. 04. 2011; Author: Externí Category: Culture, We Support

(Czech) NejvA�tA?A� hudebnA� udA?lost u nA?s ohlaA?uje dalA?A� legendy! NovA?mi zahraniA?nA�mi jmA�ny jsou THE SISTERS OF MERCY, KREATOR a LOADED Duffa McKagana, kterA� tak uzavA�rajA� line-up. VystoupA� uA? 11. A?ervna v MilovicA�ch u Prahy a doplnA� tak skuteA?nA� velikA?ny heavy metalu IRON MAIDEN a dalA?A�.

Expedition Grand Canyon 2011 (2/4)

15. 04. 2011; 6 ; Author: Category: Water

You can check some photos from Czech expedition to Grand Canyon. Text we have only in Czech language so fara�� You can switch it to CZ and translate it by google t.

Our new movie – “Dream job”

13. 04. 2011; 3 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Culture, Interview, Movies, Norway, Sec(k)ret bulvár, Water

New movie about rafting, kayaking and travelling in Norway. But only in Czech language. Every year our H2Omaniaks team working like raft guides for CZ travel agency at Sjoa river in Norway – it is our Dream job.

Dreams had to be realized- Grand Canyon 2011 (1/4)

06. 04. 2011; 6 ; Author: Category: Water

You can check some photos from Czech expedition to Grand Canyon. Text we have only in Czech language so fara�� You can switch it to CZ and translate it by google t.