Details of author: Tomáš "Rodeista" Mähring

The last 7 authors posts

Wild Camping TIPs – new traveller’s web with tips for sleeping spots and bivouacs from all over the world

05. 09. 2015; Author: Rodeista Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár

It is getting dark, you are travelling by car or on bicycle and you need to find some nice sleeping spot. But unfortunately nothing. Every traveller knows this situation. Or you are heavy-equipped in mountains, it already rains for two days, feet hurt and some shelter, cave or overhang where would be possible to set a fire, cook, dry your things, and sleep would be a mercy.

TELEfilm – our document about TELEmark skiing is online now!

22. 01. 2015; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Water

In 2012 we made documentary movie about telemark skiing, Little bit of history, little bit of methodics, little bit of freeriding… and a lot of fun! Free heel, free mind!

Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – Pavel Richtr – video

20. 03. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

At the finish of Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014, 1000 miles through frozen Alaska, 12 days 21 hours 34 minutes, 4th place. Thank you for your support!

Alaska 1000 miles race – Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – video

12. 02. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

The Iditarod Trail Invitational is the world’s longest winter ultra marathon by mountain bike and follows the historic Iditarod Trail from Knik, Alaska over the Alaska Range to McGrath and to Nome. Pavel Richtr from Czech Republic starts 1000 mile race this year.

(Czech) OdolnA? a vodotA�snA? chytrA? bagrfoun – CAT B15 a CAT B15Q

22. 10. 2013; 11 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Tests & review

(Czech) Na jaA�e letoA?nA�ho roku se objevil na A?eskA�m trhu novA? odolnA? chytrA? telefon s logem znA?mA� znaA?ky Caterpillar. Ano, nA�co nehraje, znaA?ku CAT znA?me pA�edevA?A�m z bagrA? a podobnA� techniky. NicmA�nA� logo Caterpillaru mA?A?eme vidA�t i na mobilu. Jak si telefon CAT B15 vede po 5ti mA�sA�cA�ch pouA?A�vA?nA� a testovA?nA�?

How to instal new font to Windows 8? How to switch to safe mode?

10. 06. 2013; 3 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Ostatní

How to instal new font to Windows 8? Windows shows an error the device is not ready. Ok, you must instal new font in safe mode. But how to switch Windows 8 to safe mode?

Colorado Grand Canyon kayaking – 100% Drift HD Ghost video

29. 05. 2013; Author: Rodeista Category: Movies, Water

Short videoclip from kayaking at Grand Canoyn, Colorado river, Arizona, USA. 100% Drift HD Ghost video.