Details of author: Martin "Humpa" Humpolec
The last 7 authors posts
Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes 5
03. 04. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: Mountains, New Zealand, Ostatní, Water
Rest of the North Island – We had about two weeks to see the rest of North Island a�� not to much. So we hit the road as we got out from the ferry and headed northwest, to the Egmont National Park, where we wanted to climb up to the top.
Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes 4
20. 03. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: Mountains, New Zealand, Ostatní, Water
Arthura��s Pass a�� what a windy and rainy place. We had quite problem go against the wind specially with our boats on roof. Sometimes it even looked as they want to fly and we had to slow down even more. There were two really nice stops a�� Castle Hills with really strange rocks, which are great for bouldering.
Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes 3
13. 03. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: Mountains, New Zealand, Ostatní, Water
Milford Sound a�� what an awesome place to visit. We arena��t sure if it is better in rainy or sunny day, as both are nice and completely different. When you have a rain you cannot really see the peaks of surrounding mountains and you have waterfalls everywhere while in sunny day you can admire the mountains but have just a few waterfalls around.
Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes 2
07. 03. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: New Zealand, Ostatní, Water
South Island a�� awesome from first moment. Everything looks really isolated here, a lot of nature around and not too many people. We started at Picton, saw the famous Edwin Fox vessel, where we got a glimpse on Zealanda��s history and could just admire the work of our ancestors. Cannot imagine that the voyage took about 3 months, had enough of our flight after 30 hours.
Project New Zealand through kayakerA?s eyes
09. 02. 2009; Author: Humpa Category: New Zealand, Ostatní
Finally in New Zealand. It took two days to get here and we had a chance to try some new meals on our flight. Kimchi and porridge a�� not to bad as well as not something we would like to eat every day.
(Czech) AustrA?lie – zemA� nekoneA?na 2/2 – kam vyrazit?
(Czech) Tak tohle je otA?zka za milion. SamozA�ejmA� zA?leA?A� na tom, co chce vidA�t. My jsme chtA�li vidA�t co nejvA�c, ale hlavnA� pA�A�rodu. SouA?asnA� jsme si nechtA�li platit A?A?dnou cestovku, ale zvlA?dnout to celA� sami. MoA?nA?, A?e by cestovka ukA?zala vA�ce, moA?nA? by to bylo stejnA�, akorA?t bychom se nemuseli o nic starat.