Details of author: Matěj "Mates" Holub

The last 7 authors posts

Lower Lewis Falls – Lewis river in Oregon

02. 03. 2012; Author: Mates Category: Water

Only CZ text, but you can see some nice pictures! Jsme opA�t na cestA?ch, tentokrát u vodA?kA?m zaslA�benA�ho mA�sta Hood River v Oregonu. Po 3 dnech uA?A�vA?nA� si na klasikA?ch tA�to oblasti v podobA� White Salmon a Little White Salmon nA?s kamarA?di lA?kajA� na jakA?si vodopA?d, o kterA�m jsem nikdy neslyA?el.

USA, Idaho – North Fork of Payette river a�� Vertical mile (text CZ & EN, video)

03. 09. 2011; 7 ; Author: Mates; CZ->EN: Áňa Category: Movies, Water

When I got to Idaho U.S. a few weeks ago I had no idea what kind of experience Payette and its North Fork arm can possibly be. I went down the lower and middle part of a 15 mile run rated WW5 and after having gone down this bit a few times I heard that there’s something called “Vertical Mile”.

Kaiserklamm Trophy 2010

14. 04. 2010; Author: Mates Category: Movies, Water, We Support

Kaiserklamm Trophy 2010