The weather was probably more than bad, really cold, windy and strong rain. It wasna��t better second day as well and the forecast told us it should looks like this a few more days a�� no way we would go up without freezing out.
So it was time to move and try our luck in Tongariro National Park. However, the situation was about the same, but the Sun should be here in a few days. Not a problem for us, we can return.
Going across the island, up to the White Island and having time to stop to see the Huka Falls, we wanted to jump. But not with this water, it should be quite fine up to 100cubics but at the moment there is more than 160cubics and it looks really badly.
Aratiatia rapids are next and it is really awesome sight. Just imagine really narrow gorge, which is pretty deep, and they pour a lot of water inside it every two hours just for half hour. You can feel how strong the water is and just admire the beauty when the gorge get filled up. When you imagine, that a few kayakers went it, the shiver just run across your backbone.
Rapids Jet are just bellow the Aratiatia rapids and it is the only jet boats in New Zealand, which runs on white water, not flat water as all others. It doesna��t sound much exciting, but it is completely different experience, with jumps, surfing in the waves and much more, and we returned completely wet. Not a surprise as we asked for it
Finally got to the White Island, which is the only active marine volcano in New Zealand. And it is really nice, smelly everywhere (and we were smelly for another week and our clothes maybe even longer ), a lot of steam coming from underground, really nice colors around (especially yellow because of sulphur everywhere) and we were even able to taste the sulphur and drink the water. Not really tasty stuff.
On the way back we come across some dolphin shoal and spent quite a long time just watching them in silence. It is really beutiful to see them surfing in the waves or jumping around and it looks absolutly impossible how quickly they are able to change the direction. They are so quick that taking good pictures is really hard.
Saturday is here and it should be sunny back in Tongariro NP a�� time to move there. It is really good idea to start early as we did; however, a lot of people had the same idea and first hour we just trying to get in front of the queue.
Side trip to Ngauruhoe Summit is awesome idea, but you have to be fit. Not because of the climb up, but because of the descent. The ascent is pretty hard as you constantly shift downwards, but you can make it if you have time and patience. On the other hand the descent is really quick, as you half run, half slide and hope that no stone would hit you from behind. We were more exhausted after the descent then the ascent, but it was worth it a�� the views were awesome and there was even snow on top.
The Emerald Lakes are really nice and good place to have a short lunch and they we were running out of time and almost run the last 10km a�� wouldna��t do the same next time, as the end wasna��t really interesting, would prefer to return to the beginning.
We werena��t able to try the blackwater rafting in Waitomo Caves as we arrived quite late, but we did the Ruakuri Natural Tunnel walk and it was nice as well, you just cannot believe what the water is able to create.
Heading north, the diving at Poor Knights Islands is next on list. One of the 10 things you must do in New Zealand and one of the best subtropical diving destination on the World as well. And it was really nice, full of life, we even saw three huge stingrays going out of their cave. Even snorkeling there must be nice.
Stopping at Ngawha Springs is good idea as well a�� completely different to all other hot pools we saw so far, more cosy with minerals in hot water and it really helped to relax our bodies.
Cape Reinga, the place where Maori spirits depart their journey for eternal home. It is really magic there, especially when you got the cloudes so low as we had. You can see nothing, just the gate and you can think it is really the end of this island.
Sand surfing at Te Paki was pure fun a�� we found really steep slope which ended in a stream and spent there a few hours, surfing on our kayaks. If you want to have sand everywhere and be pretty exhausted, this is a good place to do some sport.
As long as our car wasna��t insured on 90 Miles Beach we wanted to see it. It is pretty long (but doesna��t have 90 miles at all not even it is the longest beach in NZ) and there is nothing to see. Except when you are lucky and spot dead stingray on beach.
Koutu Boulders just after Hokianga ferry is small alternative to Moeraki Boulders near Dunedin and was really nice stop. We had just perfect light for shooting and did a few nice photos.
If you are into puzzles and have a time you should go to Labyrinth Woodworks near Waiotemarani. Louis is really charming man who welcome you with puzzle in his hand and youa��ll spend there a few hours. We planned to stop just for 15 minutes and went away maybe after three hours. Three hours full of fun, solving puzzles and talking, really nice experience.
Kauri coast was next with all these nice huge trees. It is just incredible how thick and old they are, which facts can you more appraise after your visit to Kauri museum at Matakohe.
And then the Auckland is here again, time to return the Spaceship, in which we spent two months going everywhere we wanted to and which survived our handling and went 11 732km without any problem. Which is just incredible when you take a look back and see where we have been to and what we did to it. When it is back in warehouse it is still pretty visible which car was our, as all the others are shinning and this one is almost impossible to recognize under all the dust which covers it.
Back to Europe with memories in our heads and feeling we have to return soon, because there is still too many places we didna��t explore or where we want to return.
See you again, hopefully soon.
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