Category: "Photo gallery"
New Year Prague firework show – 2013, photogallery
02. 01. 2013; 1
; Author: Rodeista Category: Photo gallery
New Year firework in Prague, 1.1.2013, 18:01, near the Charles bridge. Some photos from this show..
The best H2Ophoto – 5 years of travelling with camera 1)
17. 05. 2011; Author: Rodeista Category: Photo gallery
Serial with the best photos from last 5 years of our travelling and kayaking.
(Czech) 56. KrkonoA?skA? 70 letos A?edesA?tkou, na poprvA� staA?ilo…
21. 03. 2011; Author: Category: Mountains, Photo gallery
(Czech) To jsem tak jednou v lednu vyrazil s KeA?upem a spol na noA?nA� skejtovA?nA� v BedA�ichovA�… A tA�m to vA?echno zaA?alo, na konci ledna uA? jsem bydlel v Peci na Havlovce a chodil skoro dennA� na bA�A?ky. A 19.3. jsme v tA?mu s KeA?upem, MacA?kem, Strejdou a Georgem dali krkonoA?skou 70tku. No, sluA?nej vejlet to byl!
4×4 final of Czech snowboard cup 2011 – photos
13. 03. 2011; Author: Category: Mountains, Photo gallery
4×4 final race of Czech snowboard cup 2011 – photogallery.
Extreme kayak world championship Adidas Sick Line 2010 – big photogallery
03. 10. 2010; Author: Category: Photo gallery, Water
Big photogallery with link to other bigger photogallery with one hundred pictures from the extreme kayak world championship 2010 Adidas Sick Line – in Austria, A�tz river, WellerbrA?cke section. Only from Saturday.
RedBull Dolomitenmann 2010 and Hannah photographing in Italy
18. 09. 2010; Author: Category: Mountains, Photo gallery, Water
Some photos from the RedBull Dolomitenmann and from the photographing of new colection of Hannah (outdoor equipment) in Italy in the mountains. Text mostly we have only in czech language, but pictures usually tell more than words…
Devils Extreme Race 2010 – photogallery
30. 08. 2010; 2
; Author: Category: Photo gallery, Water
Devils Extreme Race is extreme kayak race in south of Czech Republic on the Vltava river. This year Devils Extreme Race was officially the 1st European open championship in extreme kayking. Now you can check some our photos nly from the slalom competition. Also we competed at sprint, kayakcross and teamrace.