Category: "We Support"

Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – Pavel Richtr – video

20. 03. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

At the finish of Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014, 1000 miles through frozen Alaska, 12 days 21 hours 34 minutes, 4th place. Thank you for your support!

Alaska 1000 miles race – Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – video

12. 02. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

The Iditarod Trail Invitational is the world’s longest winter ultra marathon by mountain bike and follows the historic Iditarod Trail from Knik, Alaska over the Alaska Range to McGrath and to Nome. Pavel Richtr from Czech Republic starts 1000 mile race this year.

(Czech) Doro Pesch s novým CD 4. 12. v Praze!!

26. 11. 2012; 1 ; Author: Externí Category: Culture, We Support

(Czech) RockovA? krA?lovna DORO PESCH nezahA?lA� ani v roce 2012! Na listopad a prosinec 2012 chystA? dalA?A� evropskA� turnA� k novA�mu albu Raise Your Fist , kterA� prA?vA� nynA� se svou kapelou pA�ipravuje, a kterA� vyjde na podzim u Nuclear Blast!

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

29. 05. 2012; 4 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Movies, Ostatní, We Support

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

World Championship Cutting

30. 04. 2012; Author: Rodeista Category: We Support

World Championship Cutting – sorry, we have this text only in Czech Language, you can translate it by google translator.

Snowkayak cross: Martin Himl winner of the 2nd annual kayak show in Czech Republic

24. 03. 2012; 1 ; Author: Externí Category: Mountains, We Support

HerlA�kovice ski resort (Czech Republic, Giant Mountains) the second time was finished a season by race for cool ones – Snow Kayak Cross. The final masterfully won Martin Himl.

SNOWKAYAK cross HerlA�kovice in Czech republic hosts all-star cast kayak show

13. 03. 2012; Author: Externí Category: Mountains, Water, We Support

Czech Republic, Prague, 13th of March 2012. Not with skis or board, but with a kayak and paddle will head to HerlA�kovice everyone who loves risk and that, what is hidden in the word ADRENALIN. The ski resort HerlA�kovice on Saturday 24th of March 2012 starts 2nd year of non-traditional kayak race on the snow – Snow Kayak Cross.