Category: "Sec(k)ret bulvár"
Wild Camping TIPs – new traveller’s web with tips for sleeping spots and bivouacs from all over the world
05. 09. 2015; Author: Rodeista Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár
It is getting dark, you are travelling by car or on bicycle and you need to find some nice sleeping spot. But unfortunately nothing. Every traveller knows this situation. Or you are heavy-equipped in mountains, it already rains for two days, feet hurt and some shelter, cave or overhang where would be possible to set a fire, cook, dry your things, and sleep would be a mercy.
New waterproof headcamera Drift HD Ghost
07. 11. 2012; Author: Externí Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár, Tests & review
New waterproof headcamera Drift HD Ghost – first official info. Drift Innovation, the award-winning action sports technology company specializing in the capture and sharing of digital imagery, launched the most feature-rich and intuitive action camera yet a�� the Drift HD Ghost.
We Care a�� Hiko is entering market with charity project conected with collection for ladies.
26. 02. 2012; Author: Externí Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár
In season 2012 Hiko Sport will introduce new lady line for water sports with new original design and pattern. Introducing of this lady line, we prepaired with Onko Union new project called “We Care”.
Our new movie – “Dream job”
13. 04. 2011; 3
; Author: Rodeista Category: Culture, Interview, Movies, Norway, Sec(k)ret bulvár, Water
New movie about rafting, kayaking and travelling in Norway. But only in Czech language. Every year our H2Omaniaks team working like raft guides for CZ travel agency at Sjoa river in Norway – it is our Dream job.
(Czech) Smrt spamerum v diskuzA�ch!
03. 03. 2010; Author: Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár
(Czech) PA�A?telA� a milA� A?tenA?A�i, vzhledem k tomu, A?e se v poslednA� dobA� zaA?alo spamum nA�jako moc daA�it prolamovat filtr, udA�lal jsem zmA�nu. KaA?dej, kdo pA�sne svuj prvnA� komentA?A�, zA?stane v adminu webu jako neschvA?lenej. Terka, BA�eh, jA? nebo prostA� nA�kdo z nA?s ho schvA?lA� a od tA� dobya��
(Czech) Stupnice extrA�mnA�ch teplot celého světa!
27. 01. 2010; Author: Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár
(Czech) NedA?vno mi pA�iA?el mail od mamky s touhle stupnicA� zimy. Vzhledem k tomu, A?e na ZA�landA� jsou teA? teploty kolem tA�icA�tek a v A?R touhle dobou cca o 50 stupA?A? mA�A?, pA�ijde mi to jako celkem aktuA?lnA� mA�A�A�tko
(Czech) Petice proti novým vodnA�m elektrA?rnA?m v Rakousku
21. 12. 2009; Author: Category: Sec(k)ret bulvár, Water
(Czech) PodpoA�te petici iniciovanou klubem webu, a to za uzA?konA�nA� ochrany a zachovA?nA� poslednA�ch pA�A�rodnA�ch A�ek Rakouska (Koppentraun, Lech, A�tz, Salzaa��). Jde o to, A?e i v dA?sledku energetickA� krize se jednA? o masivnA� vA?stavbA� stovek novA?ch vodnA�ch elektrA?ren s vA?hledem aA? do roku 2020, coA? by znamenalo konec pA�A�rodnA�ho rA?zu tA�chto A�ek a nejspA�A? i konec moA?nosti vodnA� turistiky na tA�chto A�ekA?ch.