Services . H2OShop . Production . Advertising & sponsoring . Teambuildings, Guiding, Raftguiding
Our activities could not be done without financial or material sponsoring. Thata��s the reason why we are still looking for companies those are interested in cooperation, advertising here on web, advertising in videos or in our paper a�?a��NEWSa��a�� or simply someone who wants to support our activities.
We work as a civic society so there is no problem with getting a invoice for your financial or material gifts, so you can easily claim the gift as expence for your tax declaration, ” “> , ” ” . and what morea��it will be tremendous help!
The only thing we insist on is that the advertising has to be interesting for our readers and has to be beneficial, not annoyinga��.and thata��s by the way best for you as well (exceptions negotiated – like linkbuilding…)
Advertising can bea��..
1) On web a�� banners, text advertising, links, partnership particular section (Travelling, New Zealand, Norway etc.) More info on particular advertising can be sent by an email orA� can discus on meeting.
2) In printed “News”- price depends on how many prints is being printed at the time, also there is possibility of special edition according to your demand, only with your advertising.
3) In videos – it is very individual, depending on subject, length. Can be charged on how many people saw the video or on fixed rate. The video has to be made well so the subject and the prices has to be negotiated.
Advertising and propagation
Following lines are also very individual for each company,product,action,journey or video.If you are interested please do not hesitate to get in touch,we can make you an interesting offer for your actual company.
In case long term cooperation with our team we will be happy to put your advertising also to sectiona��a��Many thans toa��a�� and put your logo in each page in the web.
Contact:A� infoA�A� @A�A� h2omaniaksA�A�A� .A�A�A� com
We have got a lot to offer
You can get much more than traditional logos (on kayaks, paddles, suits, cars, planes), banners which will be seen in the past years on videos, photos and also in medias but also:
- logos, advertising in edited in filmed reports, clips and films which are presented by other servers and film festivals.
- medial service, printed news straight from expeditions, foto reports, recension and product tests.
- advertising and image photo, propaganda videos just like you want it.
- teambuilding, lessons for your employees for canoying, rafting, for one or more days, for example we can provide evening projection about our expeditionsa��all under experienced professional supervision.
- advertising your company on our web as mentioned above (or putting your advertising on our co-operative pages) and printed edition H2omaniaks NEWS (in 2009 and 2010 was published over 6000 prints, in Czech language)
Form of cooperation
Our sponsoring has mostly been done by a�?a��medial bonusa��a�� which means that you provide your product or financial amount before some expedition and we provide you a fotos,videos with your choosen form of advertising on the expedition,and then we will charge you the advertising,so you pay as you see the result. Of course,isa��s entirely up to you which kind of form of advertising you choose.
-we have got a special counting table where you put max. amount you are able to donate,which is part of our contract between your company and H2omaniaks, o.s.
-we can also offer a name company integration to our major sponsor as it was for example in 2009 a�?a��Hannah H2omaniaks teama��a�� on Red Bull Dolomiteman.
infoA�A� @ A�A� h2omaniaksA�A�A� .A�A� com
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