Category: "A?erA?A?ky"
Devils Extreme Race 2011 – European open championship in extreme kayking
16. 08. 2011; Author: Externí Category: Water, We Support
All paddlers, freestylers or just for fun kayakers are welcomed to the fifth Devils Extreme Race 2011 – official European open championship in extreme kayking. The race takes place, as usually, on the last weekend of August, from 26th to 28th. Prize money for winner!!
Devils Extreme Race 2010 – photogallery
30. 08. 2010; 2
; Author: Category: Photo gallery, Water
Devils Extreme Race is extreme kayak race in south of Czech Republic on the Vltava river. This year Devils Extreme Race was officially the 1st European open championship in extreme kayking. Now you can check some our photos nly from the slalom competition. Also we competed at sprint, kayakcross and teamrace.