Category: "Movies"

TELEfilm – our document about TELEmark skiing is online now!

22. 01. 2015; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Water

In 2012 we made documentary movie about telemark skiing, Little bit of history, little bit of methodics, little bit of freeriding… and a lot of fun! Free heel, free mind!

Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – Pavel Richtr – video

20. 03. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

At the finish of Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014, 1000 miles through frozen Alaska, 12 days 21 hours 34 minutes, 4th place. Thank you for your support!

Alaska 1000 miles race – Iditarod Trail Invitational 2014 – video

12. 02. 2014; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies, We Support

The Iditarod Trail Invitational is the world’s longest winter ultra marathon by mountain bike and follows the historic Iditarod Trail from Knik, Alaska over the Alaska Range to McGrath and to Nome. Pavel Richtr from Czech Republic starts 1000 mile race this year.

New Czech movie about TELEmark skiing – trailer

08. 10. 2012; Author: Rodeista Category: Mountains, Movies

Movie about TELEmark skiing, or if you want, about free heel skiing. So, what are you waiting for? You can watch it, itA?s free! Free heel, free mind, free movie…

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

29. 05. 2012; 4 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Movies, Ostatní, We Support

World Championship Cutting 2012 – movie

Our new movie – “Dream job”

13. 04. 2011; 3 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Culture, Interview, Movies, Norway, Sec(k)ret bulvár, Water

New movie about rafting, kayaking and travelling in Norway. But only in Czech language. Every year our H2Omaniaks team working like raft guides for CZ travel agency at Sjoa river in Norway – it is our Dream job.

(Czech) Dovolujeme si VA?s srdeA?nA� pozvat na pA?rty k 20. vA?roA?A� A?eskA�ho raftingu v Norsku

30. 03. 2011; 7 ; Author: Rodeista Category: Culture, Movies, Norway, Water

(Czech) Film “PrA?ce snA?” je hotovA? a pA�ichA?zA� ta pA�A�jemnA�jA?A� A?A?st – premiéra, kA�est a promA�tA?nA� vA?ude moA?nA�. TakA?e bychom VA?s vA?echny rA?di pozvali 11.4. do lodA�nice SK ZlA�chov na veA?A�rek spojenA? prA?vA� se kA�tem, ale i dalA?A�m programem, dávodA? k veA?A�rku je hned vA�ce! ;-)